Upcoming Fall 2024 Workshops


Upcoming Fall 2024 Workshops 〰️

FREE EVENT! The Adolescent Brain: A Parent’s Guide to Understanding and Connection: Wednesday, September 4, 2024. 7-8pm

  • Find your parenting GPS (your map!) to parenting your teen.

  • Go beyond the excuse of hormones and make sense of the adolescent brain.

  • Learn how to support executive functioning (the part of the brain that is developing to make successful adults, and can be the most difficult for parents and teens to navigate).

  • Discover strategies to react with encouragement instead of responding out of fear.

  • Invite cooperation through curiosity instead of punishment and rewards.

  • Learn where THAT behaviors might be coming from.

  • Be more confident in THIS season of parenting.

  • Know you are not alone!


Navigating the Teen Years: Online, Wednesdays, 6:30-8:00pm pacific time September 18-October 30, 2024

The teen brain goes through a major remodeling, and it can be a challenging time and one of opportunity! It’s normal to want to seek tighter control, yet this often causes teens to respond by shutting down or avoidance. This series guides us to understand this unique time and go deeper with other families of teens that can’t be done in a one-night workshop or reading a parenting book. You can learn, grow and feel encouraged as a parent without shame or judgement. Even if things are smooth sailing right now, you will leave with tools to set your family up for success during the teen years.

It is possible for parents and their children to enjoy this vulnerable stage together. Whether you are in the midst of the teen years or just wanting to get a jump start on what's ahead, this class is for you! This popular class is for caregivers of children 10+. Seats are limited to support engagement.

Registration Fee: Sliding scale $140-$175. Registration for second caregiver of the SAME child is $50


Parenting the Positive Discipline Way: Online, Thursdays, 10-11:30am PST, September 19-October 24

This 6 week workshop will introduce the parenting approach of Positive Discipline by engaging you in activities and discussions with others and get practice with the skills over a few weeks with support and encouragement. Families that practice Positive Discipline help children gain a sense of belonging through connection, and significance through contribution. and focus on teaching children valuable social and life skills through kind and firm boundaries. You will gain new skills to respond to common behavior challenges such as tantrums, not listening, sibling conflict, disrespect, chores, lying, etc. in a non-punitive, solution focused way. This is an excellent opportunity to connect with other parents and clarify the values you want for your family. Recommended for new parent up to elementary age.

Registration Fee: Sliding scale $120-$150. Registration for second caregiver of the SAME child is $50


Encouragement Circle: first and third Thursday of the month at 12-1pm PST

Parenting is the most important, challenging, and ongoing job in the world—and ALL parents deserve resources, support, and encouragement.  We put so much pressure on ourselves to get it “right.”   What is that about?   Julie will lead the group in activities and discussions that will leave you feeling inspired, supported, heard, encouraged and connected– a place to share your hopes, fears and curiosities with others on their parenting journey.  Instead of feeling stuck, you will find forward movement. Take this time for yourself—for your family. This group is geared towards parents of children 10+ and previous experience with Positive Discipline is encouraged.

Registration fee: $40/month (includes 2 sessions)

Limited to 8 participants. You will be charged the first of every month. You can cancel your membership at anytime before the next month. Spaces will be filled as soon as they open.

Positive Discipline for Youth Sports Coaches: In this 2 hour workshop coaches learn to work with parents, colleagues and athletes to create a collaborative, supportive, and accountable culture that shares vision and values. Coaches and parents will learn methods that invite cooperation and motivate players in a non-punitive way that will encourage a more enjoyable experience for all.

A letter from a recent participant…..

Hi Julie!

Thank you so much for taking the time to talk with us, listen to us and advise us on how to raise good humans!

I will miss meeting with you and the other parents on the weekly, it was a nice change of pace for me and a really solid chunk of time for me to reflect on my parenting. 

At the beginning of the 6 week course I felt like my child was difficult to manage and that I was at my wits end. But towards the end of the course I realized that it's just this stage of life, that all the other parents are facing similar challenges, and that our kids are just doing their best. Her tantrums now seem less intense, now that I have learned to be calm and present when they happen and I can meet her needs with compassion. I have your classes to thank for that!

And when I came home from class each night, I would sit with my husband and relay all the things I learned and we'd talk about it. What his thoughts were and how we would implement your teachings into our daily lives.

Your class made me realize that I needed to speak kindly to my husband, especially in front of my kids. Since they watch and repeat everything. I've sincerely taken to heart to cultivate this shift in me in order to create a better home environment for everyone.

Not only has your classes helped with parenting but it also doubled as marriage counseling! :).
